Is Easy Home Basal thermometer suitable to determine fertile days with Fertility Awareness? My test report on functional scope, measurement and much more Well, I’ve been looking at the Easy Home Basal Thermometer EBT-100 for some time because it has relatively good ratings in larger internet shops in Germany. Afterwards I got in touch by email from the company EASY HEALTHCARE COOPERATION, who kindly provided us with the Easy Home Basal thermometer EBT-100 for our test. At this point, it’s important to say that my contribution will always be honest and ruthless, as you are used to on our blog. I’ll clearly express my opinion as to whether the Easy Home Basal Thermometer EBT-100 is suitable for determining fertile days. [...]
Get Pregnant with Natural Methods
Get pregnant despite shift work

Get pregnant despite shift work, how does it work? Learn how women get pregnant via shift work despite irregular cycles. Despite irregular cycles and shift work, can I get pregnant using the Symptothermal Method? I often get asked this question as a fertility expert. The answer to this question is purely YES. I’ve accompanied many women despite shift work and irregular cycles. In this article I’d like to show you how to determine your fertile days despite shift work and complex cycles. Here, it’s important to understand what makes the shift work cycles so complex and why they may be more difficult to evaluate. At the end of this article, I will outline a real-life pregnancy cycle of a woman [...]
How can I improve my Cervical Mucus?

How can I improve my cervical mucus to get pregnant easily? Here, you’ll find five (5) ways on how to optimize your mucus quality. Women who are trying to get pregnant would love to know and understand everything perfectly. They would like to do everything possible to get pregnant as soon as possible. Many are aware that cervical mucus plays a vital role in getting pregnant. Of course, it’s obvious that this should have the best possible quality. However, firstly, to be able to determine if the quality of your cervical mucus is enough to get you pregnant and what criteria to be taken into account, I will explain below. Is my cervical mucus OK or could be improved? The [...]
Get Pregnant with PCO

Get pregnant with PCO, how does it work? Learn how other women have fulfilled their dream of the desired child despite PCOS symptoms. Can I get pregnant, despite diagnosed with PCOS? I get asked this question very often as a fertility expert and the answer is YES. I have accompanied countless women with PCO on the path to the desired child. I know it’s possible to get pregnant despite PCO. In this article, I want to show you how this can work. The first step to get pregnant despite PCOS is to first of all understand exactly what PCO is and what the “PCOS diagnosis ” means for your cycle and fertility. Then I will show you how many women [...]
7 Reasons why it’s important to measure the Basal Body Temperature

Why measure the basal body temperature? I’ll give you 7 reasons why measuring the wake-up temperature during the period for the desired child is important! What is the basal body temperature anyway? Before I outline the 7 major advantages of measuring the basal body temperature, I’ll briefly summarize what the basal body temperature is. Although 10 years ago, I had no idea of the basal body temperature, but now, I’m very happy knowing it in detail. The basal body temperature is your body temperature, which in the best case can always be measured immediately after awaking in the morning in the mouth under the tongue, vulvina or in the butt. With an appropriate basal thermometer and a cycle chart, you [...]
What does your Basal Temperature tells you | Pregnancy tips

Among other things, your basal temperature can tell you when to have sexual intercourse in order to get pregnant quickly Getting pregnant with the help of basal temperature In fact, your basal temperature communicates with you and tells you when you’re fertile, when your ovulation occurs and when you should have sexual intercourse to be very likely to get pregnant. To be fair, I must say that the Basal temperature is only half the battle to determine your fertile days-the second part of the fertility puzzle consists of your cervical mucus or your cervix. To know when you’re highly fertile, you must first understand the language of your basal temperature (and also that of your cervical mucus or cervix). Once [...]
Spinnable Cervical Mucus for Ovulation

What does it mean when you observe the Spinnable Cervical Mucus? Was your Ovulation already or yet to come? Find it here in the Article. How does the Spinnable Cervical Mucus looks like? If you notice your cervical mucus, you can then take a closer look and do the Stretchability Test. To do this, simply take your cervical mucus between your thumb and forefinger. Then, if you slowly spread your fingers, the cervical mucus may contract like a string or thread, or the thread, breaks quickly. So you can easily see if your cervical mucus is elastic or not. Some days and in some women, the cervical mucus looks as spinning as in the photo. This means you can stretch [...]
Get Pregnant with Fertility Calendar

Are you looking for a Get Pregnant with a Fertility Calendar that will help you to determine your fertile days? Here’s how to do it… As a fertility expert, I often meet women who wants a supercomputer, an ovulation calculator or a fertility calendar to accurately calculate their fertile days. But are they fertility calculator or calendar? Can such a complex subject as the shared fertility in men and women with simple primary school maths really be understood? In this article I will show you how to limit your fertile days as well as ovulation to fewer days, using a scientifically proven method. With this study, 81% of the women gets pregnant within 6 months. If you want to know [...]
The Best Fertility Monitor

Which Fertility Monitor is the best? The ultimate comparison of several monitors like Clearblue to determine the fertile days to get pregnant. Often, women who don’t feel like learning the Fertility Awareness but prefers to use a Fertility Monitor writes me so as to determine their fertile days. So, which Fertility Monitor is best? What are the pros and cons of a Fertility Monitor compared to the normal Fertility Awareness App and much more in this article. What you need to know about Fertility Monitor! To date, the Stiftung Warentest has published only one comparative study dating from 2000. However, this study clearly shows three things. Firstly, there are significant differences in the quality of Fertility Monitor -especially to determine [...]
Get Pregnant with Symptothermal Method

Use the Symptothermal method and get pregnant faster by determining your fertile days in the cycle. Which natural method is best suited for determining the fertile days in the early childhood cycle? This is one of the most common questions that I’ve been asked several times as a fertility consultant. Since 2010, I have been dealing with this issue and can clearly state that it’s the Symptothermal method. The reason why Symptothermal method, in my view, is the best natural method of getting pregnant and how I got pregnant twice with this method, I will explain to you in this article. What is the Symptothermal method? Symptothermal method is a natural family planning (NFP) method for determining fertile and sterile [...]