Everything about the ovulation signs, which can occur in the female cycle and the determination of fertile days and ovulation are important.
Menstrual bleeding
The day on which menstrual bleeding begins with its usual strength is considered to be the first day of the cycle, as this is a very clear symptom and thus easy to observe. Menstruation is often considered a few days before insertion by light spotting. The bleeding can also begin without this prior notice. The bleeding strength is usually strongest on the first two days and is usually weaker on the following days until the bleeding completely stops. The menstrual bleeding lasts about 2 to 7 days for most women in the natural cycle.
Basal body temperature
The body temperature measured in the morning immediately after waking up is the basal body temperature. Over the entire cycle, the temperature curve in the first phase of the cycle is low until ovulation and increases during ovulation. Until the end of the cycle, the temperature usually remains slightly elevated. For most women, it is an increase of about 0.2 to 0.5 °c. The temperature curve can be used with proper application of the Symptothermal Method rules to limit the fertile days in the cycle. Basal temperature is still the most important indicator to determine if ovulation has occurred in the cycle.
Cervical Mucus
The cervical mucus is a body secretion and is formed in the cervical glands (crypts). Because of gravity, it runs down the vagina – so women can observe their cervical mucus at the vaginal entrance. Until ovulation, the quality of the cervical mucus increases and then the quality decreases again. This cervical mucus turnaround is important for the evaluation of the cervical mucus symptom. However, the cervical mucus turnaround alone is no proof that ovulation has occurred. This requires a combination of evaluation with the basal temperature, which makes it very safe to determine the fertile and infertile period in the cycle.
The cervix is the entrance to the uterus and it changes during the cycle. These changes can be observed by women themselves by palpation of the cervix. At ovulation, the cervix gradually opens and becomes softer. Shortly after ovulation, the cervix closes and hardens relatively quickly. The cervix symptom may alternatively be used for cervical mucus observation and used in combination with measuring basal body temperature to determine fertile days.
Ovulation Bleeding
Ovulation bleeding is bleeding outside the menstrual bleeding. Inter-bleeding may be an indication of ovulation. The hormonal changes just before and during ovulation may cause women to experience a slight spotting.
Midcycle Pain
The midcycle pain is an additional ovulation symptom. The middle pain can take various forms and vary widely. For example, there may be a slight left or right pulling in the lower abdomen. Many women do not notice any midcycle pain, some only in a few cycles, and still, others feel it regularly every cycle. The midcycle pain does not give a 100% indication of whether ovulation has occurred.
Breast Symptom
The breast symptom is an additional symptom that may occur during the cycle phase after ovulation. Women who notice the breast symptom describe it as a (aching) feeling of tension in the breasts. They usually feel indurations within the breast and therefore a high sensitivity. Many women may find it easier to see whether they are in high altitude and when the next menstruation will begin, based on the observation of the breast symptoms.
Ovulation Dream
An ovulation dream is an erotic dream that can occur in the (high) fertile time in the cycle and can be interesting for couples who desire to have children. In order to be able to remember this dreams, one can keep a dream diary and briefly record the content of the dream with the date. In the cycle sheet, you can write a small note in the field “feature” or choose a special symbol for it. If a couple wishes to have a child, the next day and the following days after a night with ovulation dream is advantageous to get pregnant.