Can one get pregnant with LH tests? Can ovulation tests really indicate ovulation? In this article, I share with you my experiences. How do LH tests work? The basic idea of an LH test is very simple because shortly before ovulation the concentration of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) increases significantly and drops again significantly after ovulation. Thus it makes sense to determine the LH peak/increase using urine tests. The following example shows how an LH test works: For example, you can make such a urine test in the morning. If the LH tests show two distinct strokes, the test is positive and you are just before the ovulation period. If the test does not show a second stroke, it is [...]
Fertility Queen
The best analogue basal body thermometer in the world
The best analogue basal thermometer worldwide is the Geratherm Mercury Free Classic Thermometer. All the information about measuring and reading it only here! I’ve recently started this blog together with Marcus in English language and therefore I have gathered information about suitable basal body thermometer in English-speaking countries. An analogue basal body thermometer by Geratherm immediately caught my eye. Until then I had thought that the Geratherm Classic Basal Body Thermometer and the Geratherm Basal are the only suitable analogue thermometers for the Symptothermal Method. But I was wrong. There is also the „Geratherm Mercury Free Oral Glass Thermometer”! I will tell you in this article why I think that this analogue basal body thermometer is currently the best basal [...]
Get pregnant with Fertility Awareness after a long wait
You’ve been waiting for your desired child for a long time? A new study shows how effective fertility awareness is to get pregnant – even for couples with a long time of waiting. Most couples, of course, try to get pregnant naturally without a method. But what if it still did not work after 6 months or 12 months? Then most couples are referred directly to the fertility center after visiting the gynaecological practice – in some, hormone tests and sperm analysis test are made in advance. The result is nearly always the same in our experience: The couples are now to be “made pregnant” with reproductive medicine. The success rate of getting pregnant with modern methods of reproductive medicine [...]
Do Ovulation dreams help you to get pregnant?
Do ovulation dreams help to get pregnant? Can you use your dreams to define the time of your ovulation and your fertile days? You can find more information here! I have documented my cycles and dreams and I want to show you that this can really work. Def: An ovulation dream is an erotic dream during the highly fertile time To interpret my ovulation dreams, I looked at them in connection with my cycle phase. To this end on the one hand I monitored my cycle, i.e. my signs of ovulation, such as cervical mucus and basal temperature and kept records in a cycle sheet or an app. On the other hand, I kept a dream diary. That’s how at [...]
Getting pregnant with the help of the cervix
Can the cervix help you get pregnant by showing the ovulation and your fertile days? Everything about checking your cervix and a lot more. Can the cervix indicate ovulation? Mouths opening wider each time – up until the ovulation, just as the cervix does. The cervix very slowly changes during the cycle. At the beginning it is hard and closed, but the closer the ovulation comes, the more it opens and becomes softer. Therefore, it is a direct sign for the very fertile days. The cervix is not able to indicate the ovulation on its own though. Do you really want to find our if the ovulation took place? In this case I recommend that you keep record of your [...]
Cervical Mucus – the most important sign of ovulation
Cervix Mucus is the most important sign of ovulation to determine the fertile days in cycle. I will tell you how to use the mucus to get pregnant naturally. In this article I want to show you why cervical mucus is the most important signal for ovulation when you are trying to have a child. If you want to get pregnant, this is the most important signal which you can observe, and which will tell you most. Why? That is what I am going to explain in this article. Where is cervical mucus produced? Cervical mucus is produced in special glands within the neck of the uterus (crypts). The neck of the uterus is located at the lower end of [...]
Best Basal thermometer – My Experiences with Geratherm Digital
Again and again, as a fertility consultant, I am asked which Symptothermal Method Basal thermometer I can recommend. I have therefore decided to present my best basal thermometers with which I have had extensive experience in a series of articles. Today is about my absolute favourite basal thermometer – the Geratherm digital, which I will present and evaluate for you, like all the other basal thermometers in this series, in the Categories technical functionalities, operation and design. Functionalities – What can the Geratherm digital do? In my view, the Geratherm digital has many very helpful features that I would not want to miss anymore. First, it can store an incredible 10 temperature values, which I think is great. Finally, I [...]
Get Pregnant with the Symptothermal method during Climacteric Period
How to get pregnant during the Climacteric Period before menopause? In this article, you get information about how you can boost your fertility. What does Climacteric Period actually mean? The Climacteric Period spans over a period of about 10 to 15 years and starts with most women in their early 40s. The end of the climacteric period is menopause – i.e. the last bleeding in a woman’s life. Most women have their menopause with 50 to 55 years. Menopause can only be recognized in hindsight since you can never really know if it was the last bleeding. Thus, according to the definition, menopause happens when there is no more bleeding for a year. But this does not mean that after [...]
My Ovulation Test Experience
My experience with Ovulation Tests: Determine Fertile Days with LH Tests – Ovulation Test Results – Comparison with the Sympthermal Method Determine fertile days with LH-test-strips Women with a desire to bear children often resort to a so-called ovulation test (ovulation) or LH test to determine the best time for successful fertilization. In this article, I will like to clarify some questions regarding the determination of ovulation with the LH test. What things should be considered when determining ovulation with ovulation test, how to interpret the test result correctly and more tips on using LH tests I have summarized all these here. All the findings relate exclusively to my own subjective ovulation test experience to determine ovulation – unless another [...]
When is ovulation?
This is probably one of the biggest questions of humanity: “When is ovulation?” Maybe you’re asking yourself, “When is my ovulation?” The answer you will get in this article. Most women think that it is possible to calculate the time of ovulation, but that is not right. The natural cycle is simply subject to many fluctuations that make calculating ovulation too inaccurate. In the last post on my pregnancy cycle it was clearly shown that with the “Sex according to an ovulation calculator” approach, I probably would not have become pregnant so simply. From a medical standpoint, you can only use ultrasound or body observation to answer the question: “When is ovulation?” reliably. Since most do not have an ultrasound [...]