Want to get pregnant quickly? Here are my top tips and tricks on how to get pregnant quickly, which you can put into practice right away. How can I get pregnant quickly? This is what we are asked again and again by women, who we personally accompany on their desire to have children. In this article, we introduce tips and tricks In this article, we introduce tips and tricks to get pregnant quickly which in our view are the most important ones – with which you can significantly increase the probability of conception. Here we have tried to be really scientifically sound and to deposit every tip with a study so that you can see that it really does bring [...]
Get Pregnant with Natural Methods
Get pregnant with Billings Ovulation Method

Learn to use the Billings ovulation method here to get pregnant, interpret the cervical mucus correctly and determine the fertile days in the cycle. The Billings ovulation method is based on the cervical mucus sign, the main fertility sign if you desire to have children. Because the cervical mucus significantly changes its quality before ovulation, so that with proper interpretation and sex you can get pregnant more easily and quickly in the most fertile period. How does the cervical mucus change in the cycle? The cervical mucus is formed in the crypts of the cervix. It is one of a woman’s most significant body secretions, as it can perform four different tasks. 1. Protection of sperm from the acidic vaginal [...]
Determine Fertile days with the Symptothermal Method

Determine Fertile days with the Symptothermal Method – How does it work? Use the signs of ovulation mucus & temperature to get pregnant faster. As a fertility coach, I keep being asked how to determine your fertile days to get pregnant faster. The Symptothermal Method is the best scientifically tested method to determine the fertile days and to limit ovulation exactly to a few days. In clinical trials, it has been shown that couples who determine their fertile days with the Symptothermal Method get pregnant faster. I myself have get pregnant twice with the Symptothermal Method despite Hashimoto and luteal Insufficiency and would like to share my experiences with you in this article. What is the Symptothermal Method (NFP)? NFP [...]
Triphasic Chart as a Sign of Pregnancy?

Is the triphasic chart of the basal body temperature in the course of the cycle a sign of pregnancy? All about triphasic temperature curves can be found in this article! What is a Triphasic Temperature Chart? A triphasic temperature chart means that the basal temperature rises slightly about a week after the rise in temperature triggered by ovulation. The expression comes from the fact that in a normal cycle curve with ovulation, a biphasic course of temperature can always be observed. This means that the curve can in principle be divided into two parts – the low-level temperature and high-level temperature position. In some cycles, however, three phases can be detected and this is called the triphasic temperature curve or [...]
Reliably Recognize Implantation Bleeding

How can you reliably recognize implantation bleeding? We‘ll show you a method to clearly distinguish implantation bleeding from the period. Many women watching their cycle a little – wonder in the event of an intermenstrual bleeding whether it is an implantation bleeding and whether something can be done against such bleeding? In this article, I would like to answer the most common questions about implantation bleeding and, in the end, point out a method for you to determine beyond reasonable doubt whether it is an implantation bleeding. Is there an Implantation Bleeding? And if so, why? Yes, there may be an implantation bleeding in the cycle. Suppose the egg is fused in the fallopian tube with a sperm (fertilization), then [...]
Why is men‘s fertility decreasing dramatically?

Studies show that male fertility decreasing by about a third between 1989 and 2005. Why is this decline occurring? What can be done about it? In a study [1] in France with about 26,000 couples in treatment for unfulfilled desire to have children, a decrease in sperm concentration of about 32 percent was observed between the period 1989 and 2005. The men had to do a Spermiogram regularly in this study, so the study data are very reliable. While the average 35-year-old man from 1989 still had a sperm concentration of 73.6 million spermatozoa per ml of ejaculate, in 2005 there were only 49.9 million spermatozoa left. As I have described in my article “Voegeli Prevention for Men,“ a man [...]
Interpreting Cervical Mucus and getting pregnant

Learn to interpret the cervical mucus correctly to get pregnant and determine your fertile days in the cycle. I’ll give you my top tips in this paper! What is the Cervical Mucus? Cervical mucus is the secretion that is formed in your cervix and then passes through your Vagina to the outside. The more Estrogens are in your body, the more the amount and water content of your cervical mucus increases. The Estrogens, and thus the water content of the mucus, increase until ovulation. For this reason, cervical mucus is one of the most important ovulation signs to determine the fertile days in the cycle. However, the cervical mucus is not only a marker for the fertile days, but it [...]
Basal Thermometer iSnow SNO-T02 in a Test

Is the basal thermometer iSnow SNO-T02 suitable for determining the fertile days in the cycle with the Symptothermal Method? My test report on the range of functions, operation and much more. With the iSnow-T02 basal thermometer I have found an international Symptothermal Method thermometer, which is available in many countries and languages and is also suitable for Symptothermal Method beginners to determine the fertile days. But – is the iSnow basal thermometer really suitable for Symptothermal Method application to determine the fertile days if you wish to have a child? You will learn about functionality, operation and design in my test report. What can the iSnow SNO-T02 basal thermometer do? The iSnow SNO-T02 is a very simple basal thermometer that [...]
My Domotherm Rapid Basal Thermometer Experiences

My experience with the cheap Domotherm Rapid Basal thermometer including test report to the user manual, features and more. Again and again, I get the question, which is the cheapest and affordable Basal Thermometer. Today I would like to introduce it to you: It is the Domotherm Rapid. By the way, I started measuring my basal temperature with this thermometer in 2009. Like all thermometers, in this review, I will rate the functionality, operation and design of this thermometer. Features – What can Domotherm Rapid Basal Thermometer do? The Domotherm Rapid Basal Thermometer is very simple. It has a flexible tip that facilitates oral measurement under the tongue. In addition, it can store a temperature value so that the value [...]
Master of Menstrual cycle

How does the menstrual cycle work? Increase your knowledge of your body and the fertile days and become a Master of Menstrual cycle in just 5 minutes! The menstrual cycle begins on the first day of the menstrual period and ends on the last day before the next menstrual period. The length of the menstrual cycle can vary from woman to woman and from menstrual cycle to menstrual cycle. Usually, the menstrual cycle lasts 23 to 35 days. Contrary to the presentation of many textbooks, most women do not have a 28-Days menstrual cycle. In a study of 10,000 cycles of healthy women, only 13% had a menstrual cycle length of 28 Days. The menstrual cycle can be divided into [...]