How can you reliably recognize implantation bleeding? We‘ll show you a method to clearly distinguish implantation bleeding from the period.
Many women watching their cycle a little – wonder in the event of an intermenstrual bleeding whether it is an implantation bleeding and whether something can be done against such bleeding? In this article, I would like to answer the most common questions about implantation bleeding and, in the end, point out a method for you to determine beyond reasonable doubt whether it is an implantation bleeding.
Is there an Implantation Bleeding? And if so, why?
Yes, there may be an implantation bleeding in the cycle. Suppose the egg is fused in the fallopian tube with a sperm (fertilization), then it migrates from the fallopian tube to the uterus for about a week and wants to settle in there to grow into an embryo and eventually a baby. During implantation, the lining of the uterus may be slightly damaged, causing bleeding. This bleeding is called implantation bleeding or, in the technical language, it is also called nidation bleeding.
When does the implantation bleeding take place? How can you recognize it?
The implantation bleeding occurs some 5 to 7 days after ovulation. Therefore, you need a reliable method that allows you to limit ovulation to a few days. Here it is not enough to use an ovulation calculator, as you can use the fertile days due to Cycle Irregularities of the Period etc. It is better to narrow down ovulation with the help of the Symptothermal Method up to a few days. To do this, you document the morning wake-up temperature and the cervical mucus in the course of the cycle and enter the data into a cycle sheet. Then you can narrow down the most fertile days and ovulation very precisely. For example, the curve of a pregnancy cycle may look like this:
Cycle example – with the Symptothermal Method, it is possible to reliably detect implantation bleeding

In our example, the cycle begins on May 11, 2015 (1st Cycle Day) with the period that lasts for five days. Ovulation can be limited to four days, according to the Symptothermal Method temperature evaluation rules from the 17th to the 20st cycle day. The first higher measurement of the basal body temperature is on the 19th day of the cycle. This temperature thus marks the ovulation time. Based on the First higher Measurement of the Basal Body Temperature, the woman can observe an intermenstrual bleeding about six days later. Is this an implantation bleeding? YES – because there are three things you can reliably tell of an ovulation bleeding?
1) The bleeding is within the period of 5 to 7 days after the first higher measurement of the basal body temperature and thus about 5 to 7 days after ovulation
2) The bleeding is an intermenstrual bleeding and therefore significantly weaker and shorter than the period
3) There is little or no pain associated with the bleeding
The woman has most likely become pregnant (99.99%) in this cycle, because the basal temperature is elevated for longer than 18 days after the first higher measurement. Likewise, menstruation remains out. Implantation bleeding is therefore a very relevant pregnancy sign that can herald the onset of pregnancy. However, in order to determine a pregnancy beyond reasonable doubt, you can either measure the basal body temperature or perform a pregnancy test.
Implantation bleeding or period?
For most women, it is very easy to distinguish an implantation bleeding from menstruation.
Implantation bleeding is shorter and weaker than the period
First, in most cases, the implantation bleeding is just a weak bleeding that lasts for a maximum of two days. It is often significantly weaker than the actual menstruation. The period, on the other hand, lasts two to seven days in most women and the intensity is often normal to strong on the first two days of bleeding.
Implantation bleeding occurs much earlier than menstruation
If ovulation is determined with the Symptothermal Method, menstruation occurs about 10 to 16 days after the first higher measurement of the basal temperature. The implantation bleeding, on the other hand, can occur as early as 5 to 7 days after the first higher measurement and is therefore much earlier.
Implantation bleeding usually does not cause pain
Usually, women do not have implantation bleeding pain similar to menstrual bleeding. Which is a third relatively clear distinguishing feature of an implantation bleeding.
What color and appearance does the implantation bleeding have?
There is a great deal of discussion about this issue in forums. In my view, there is no color distinguishing feature with which you could reliably distinguish the implantation bleeding from your menstruation, since in both cases different red and brown shades are possible. Nevertheless, the bleeding is usually weaker than the period as already mentioned and at a time when mostly cervical mucus can still be observed. That‘s why I assume most women can observe a light red or red-brownish bleeding. However, in my opinion, color is not decisive on the subject of implantation bleeding, the strength and timing after ovulation are sure signs for me.
Ovulation bleeding or Implantation bleeding?
It is much more difficult than menstruation to distinguish ovulation bleeding from Implantation Bleeding. Because ovulation bleeding is also an intermenstrual bleeding that is weaker than the period. The only difference to implantation bleeding is that ovulation bleeding takes place at ovulation time or just before and not 5 to 7 days after. This already shows how important it is to determine the exact time of ovulation for the exact identification of implantation bleeding. The Symptothermal Method is a suitable method to limit Ovulation to 91% down to 4 days.
My Conclusion
Implantation bleeding is a striking Ovulation Sign. Implantation bleeding differs significantly from the period in both the strength, timing and sensation of pain during bleeding and can therefore be easily identified. In order to detect implantation bleeding in a really reliable way, it is necessary to limit ovulation with a reliable method such as the Symptothermal Method up to a few days. This is because implantation bleeding takes place about 5 to 7 days after ovulation. Ovulation calculators, as recommended on other websites, are far too inaccurate and therefore unsuitable – to reliably detect implantation bleeding with the help of it, since they do not take into account the natural cycle irregularities of the period and the luteal phase. To determine ovulation with the Symptothermal Method and the most fertile days, it is necessary to measure the temperature and determine the cervical mucus in the cycle. I have summarized Everything you need in my eBook WHEN AM I FERTILE?, which I highly recommend to you. Although Implantation bleeding alone is striking, but to establish pregnancy, a positive pregnancy test is a more appropriate method of clarifying pregnancy. As you saw from the Article – with the Symptothermal Method you can only recognize a pregnancy without pregnancy test on the basis of the temperature curve.
I wish you all the best on your way to the desired child